I am Mistress Celine,the ultimate in luxury erotic domination world.It's time for you to indulge,to be dominated by a true Authentic Goddess. I am a "CERTIFIED DOMINATRIX".🔥 PRO DOMME means to be willing to go beyond the word professional. Be willing to form real, intimate relationships with my clients, I am not just providing a service. I am providing a portal into another world, and facilitating a sacred journey for these individuals and it is a high honor. The connection is so intimate because all walls come down and we connect deeply with one another on all levels: spiritual, mental, physical, psychological, emotional, sexual, and psychosocial. We are so fortunate to have this way of connecting deeply with another human being. The depth of the bond in these moments is undeniable, indescribable, and real. Even if it's felt for just that hour or two. You both know it's real. This is the most important key. BDSM is SANE,SAFE,CONSENSUAL(SSC) it's a healing modality