Virgo Is My Sign Year Of the Rabbit. I. Was 4:45 PM Friday the 18 of September 1987 in the city of San Fernando Province of Pampanga Philippines Hospital to Filipina Mother and Black American father. A born American Citizen In Abroad at the age of 21 I have travel and experience to lived in the country where you can see the poor among porres is Still Smiling happy and grateful. Where you will feel welcome and loved . I know to my self that besides of my complexion and built I am still stand out among of my teammates into basket ball my school mates , and in the region because I know the fact my pure personality , flamboyant sassy movements and my Likes. One thing for sure I appreciate beauty Not just the outer layer also Inside in our heart where everyone is made to love and be Love thats why I am attracted to Masculinity I get so weak when I see muscle abs of a man I want to devou and worship it help me and let me please you :)