Hey you😊 so so glad you're here!! I can not wait to get to know you, so I figured i'd start us out by sharing a little about myself :) My names Athena❤️ Im 23 years old and living in the US. Im originally from New York and never shut up about it hahaha. While I don't live there anymore, I credit A LOT of my personality to being born and raised there. (I'm not for the faint of heart ;) ) I've definitely got a little bit of an attitude and love sarcasm and messing around. I love playful joking and teasing but can always take what I dish out haha. But don't worry, I promise you i'm the biggest sweetheart and a real softy at heart❤️ I'm a full time student pursuing a high level degree, and love school. (I currently have two bachelors degrees as well as my masters). One of my degrees is in Philosophy so I especially love long existentialist and mind-fucking conversations. Obviously I love reading and writing, really in any genre but theres a special place in my heart for non-fiction and re